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A note from the Tribe:
Ads on PBandJAdventures.com
When we started this website, we made a commitment to make it as non-commercial in appearance as possible. To ensure quality, we established a simple set of advertisement criteria:

- We DO NOT accept advertising money in return for inclusion in our endorsed destinations or for a positive rating/review (as do other publishers. It's called "editorial consideration).

- We accept advertising money ONLY for products and/or services complimentary to the outdoor family lifestyle PB&J Adventures promotes.

- We maintain FULL artistic control over all advertisement content and appearance.

- Advertiser volume is regulated. No more than ten advertisers are published in a single rotating banner ad at any given time.

- Text-only advertisements are not allowed.

- PB&J Adventures guarantees exceptional value. The people that see your advertisements are specifically looking for the goods and services you provide.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email John Richardson, or visit our Feedback Page. Thank you for your interest.

The Richardson Tribe

Advertising on PBandJAdventures.com  -  SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICING
PBandJAdventures.com is a free website that provides guidance to adventurous families that want to explore the southeastern US. The site is visited by individuals all over the world, but by far, the geographic strength is in about a 300 mile radius of Atlanta with the bulk of hits in the metro area.

With quality in-depth editorial content and thousands of original destination pictures, PB&J Adventures has built a powerful standing in the search engine realm. According to Google, our website is displayed in query results around 75,000* times per month. We are ranked very high in multiple query words and phrases. Most common search terms are the names of the destinations we have reviewed in combination with phrases such as places to go, things to do, campground pictures, places to camp, places to eat, details and pictures, rockhounding, canoeing/kayaking, biking/hiking, etc.

For example, go to google, and search for "places to camp on lake Allatoona," or "things to do at Fort Mountain state park." You should see a fairly high ranking in the Google search engine for these types of searches. We can also customize search terms on specific pages based on the readers we want to attract. For instance; let's say you own a restaurant near Chester Frost Park in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We can add the keyword phrase "places to eat" to the Chester Frost destination page. So, when someone types "places to eat near Chester Frost park," it's likely they will find our site and your ad. Try it!

If your organization caters to people searching for places to go and things to do, then you might consider a banner ad on the PB&J website. The ads are very affordable, and, if necessary, we can customize your message so that it perfectly suits your needs while maintaining our visual and content standards.

*Reference Google Webmaster Tools - Please note: We recognize there are many sites with higher search query return numbers, but our goal is quality, not quantity. We could very easily add keywords that would drive the masses to the site, but they wouldn't necessarily be the demographic we are attempting to attract.

Banner Ad Pricing:
We have three** primary rotating banner ad sizes (see surrounding ads):
160 x 600 - $50
300 x 250 - $40
728 x 90 - $30

The pricing displayed with each banner is for one month. Purchase 10 months of ads, and you'll receive an additional 2 months for free. Purchase multiple ads within the same rotating banner, and receive additional discounts. For a no-obligation quotation, please email your request, and we'll get right back to you.

Custom Ads and Sponsorships:
Want to do something special or off the menu? No problem. We can produce special-sized banners and place them in strategic positions on specific pages. Want to exclusively sponsor a destination or activity page? Doing so gives you ownership and control of ALL ads on the sponsored page.

Additional Services:
We have the resources and skills to provide many other services. For instance, we can assist in the design and implementation of a website. We can design corporate logos and product ID. We have a large format printer, so we can design and print custom vinyl banners and window/vehicle stickers. Once again, please email any requests, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Premium Banner - $50
Below is the current 160 X 600 sequencing banner.  No more than 10 ads are sequenced as the page is refreshed or changed. This banner is located on every dedicated destination page (places to go), therefore it receives the most impressions (views).

Homepage Banner - $30
This 728 x 90 banner (below) is located just below the current weekly article on the PB&J homepage. The PB&J homepage is the site's #1 landing page and receives many impressions. It's a great place to be seen.
Deluxe Banner - $40
The 300 x 250 rotating banner ad you see below is scattered throughout the PB&J Adventures website. It is located on almost all destination pages as well as the home page. This is one of our best values.